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Mr. B: Good point - I tend to take the same minimalist perspective. It will be interesting to see how the market responds.
Review of the Miggo “Wrap and Strap” and “Grip and Strap” Camera Carriers by Rob Will Introduction I never used to c...
jinko Wrote: (Nov 16, 2012, 10:58) -- I felt like he almost didn't have a clear aim or purpose in getting random photos. -- Welcome to Street Photography, Sir. You can do Street Photography with an...
Great to see you safe and sounnd. Super pictures.
I quite like this series. Unique points of view I particularly like the last 2 which use color effectively to enhance the mood.
Quality photos. Really nicely done, B. I am a huge fan of subtle night shots done without bending over backwards into obvious HDR.
Lovely photos. I wil be in Rwanda and Tanzania in Jan/Feb next year. Hope I can get portraits like these.
These arre really nice, Slej. I recently converted my D200 body to fulltime iR, but I haven't used it much. These are quite inspirational. Is the B&W done in post or did you put a B&W filter in the ...
pixbyjnjphotos Wrote: (Oct 18, 2012, 22:35) -- Twice retired, enjoying the Golden years and snow-birding to Arizona. I take pictures of anything that will not get me into a mountain of trouble. I h...
Those sleeves look very nice. Its funny, but strangely enough for a newish technology, DVDs are already almost end-of-life. I see more and more businesses (at least in the computer industry) releasi...
Agreed with Slej. You are far better off buying a better tripod used than a cheap one new. Materials and weight really do matter. A tripod may be completely able to hold up your camera body and long l...
matthew Wrote: -- Thanks, Rob. This is an odd thing to be passionate about, -- Well we don't always control our passions. That's why they are passions rather than things on our "job list", yes? Kee...
First class portrait, Slej.
matthew Wrote: (Oct 3, 2012, 20:46) -- ... my basic conclusion remains that Ken Rockwell℠ is a pageview-hungry link whore who has absolutely no credibility and writes incendiary garbage simply to see...
Pavel Wrote: (Sep 16, 2012, 21:13) -- I think that the obsession with primes is for historical reasons when in the 70s and 80s, the primes were clearly optically superior and the low grain film emuls...
Pavel Wrote: (Sep 13, 2012, 10:42) -- The RX1 is an emotional buy, not a logical one. -- Don't agree. I shoot full frame with a single prime attached. That completely suits my style of photography. ...
I think this is one of the most exciting camera announcements in years. Pity it doesn't have a viewfinder...
The 135 really agrees with you, I think.