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I'm discovering the wonderful world of the macro lens! Smile Actually I'm lacking the right lighting, this shot was exposed for 8 seconds:

[Image: macroshell.jpg]

This is just for comparision. It's a regular lighter approx. the length of a cigarette pack:

[Image: macrocompare.jpg]
nice experiment. Colors seem a little muted.

You're right, Don. I just didn't think of white-balancing - just forgot it. I shoot in raw but I hardly ever do any wb. Of course with my yellow lamp, the colors are changed and the picture needs it.

Here's the corrected version (Thanks, Don!):

[Image: macroshellwb.jpg]
I thought it was some kind of worm at the start! :o

Great stuff .. watch out for sharpness - bottom right is a bit soft, but in this picture it's not that noticable.
ST Wrote:watch out for sharpness - bottom right is a bit soft,

If you'd had more light available, you could have closed the aperture a few stops to get better clarity... sometimes, though, it's interesting to have a fuzzy foreground. Hmmm, there's a crude joke there somewhere.
haha nice shot ,.... i need a macro converter for my lens ,,