This was on a tour to Europe a couple of years ago. These were along the back wall of a bar in the Heineken Museum in Amsterdam.
Inbetween drinking it, I thought I'd throw my camera at it. Crunched for display here, but the gist is there.
Hope it's ok!

Great photo - think I'll crack one right now.
Ooh a Heineken museum, I hope you got lots of freebies! Great picture, love the vanishing point.
Great shot. I love the way it moves my eye.
Great colour and composition... the lines draw you into the image.

Awesome photo. I too like the vanishing point. Hey, good old movie!

Keifer Sutherland? Something made me think of that the other day when all the press was camped out at Mt St Helens, not much else happens up there.
Hmm wait that might have been The Vanishing? I can't remember, another one was about a psycho hunting a woman who left a roll of film?
wahh nice.. makes me want a beer .. but none in my fridge

Very nice, that is the efffect I am always unsuccesfully trying to create =(, I did it once with juice but the colours of the bottles give that a very nice effect =)
yah .. good ol leading lines ... ^_- .. does it lead to the beer fridge ?
Who needs a beer frinde when you are at the factory? get it straight form the bottler
Modified Simpsons quote: Cold Stuff coming thru