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Full Version: Yet another studio portrait of my wife
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[Image: 3800577900_ece8a563d7_o.jpg]

Main light: broncolor strobe with silver reflective umbrella, above and to the right of camera
Fill light: broncolor strobe with softbox directly above camera.
Rear light: broncolour strobe behind diffuser screen directly behind subject.

3:1 illuminance ratio. Fill alone metered at f8, fill + main metered at f11 & 2/3 (aka f14).

Shot at 1/60 sec, f11 & 2/3, 100ISO.

Photoshop: Curves and white balance tweaking, motion blurred the hair slightly, and cloned out some distracting wrinkles in the shirt.

Attempts to get this shot right: about 20.
[Image: 3800848002_02b6cffb38_o.jpg]

Extra-edited version. I kind of like it better.
This is nice one, I loved the action of her hair... You caught it nice.

with my love,
Fantastic shot with a great expression. Very nicely done.

You know the danger with showing two versions, right? I like the second better overall, but perhaps a third version keeping a bit more colour in her hair...? Big Grin
Nice capture.

Its just a tiny bit to hot for my taste (forehead). With the risk of stating the obvious, but i assume you wanted some motion blur ? since you used 1/60s ?

If not you could have raised the shutter speed to at least 1/160s.

Great to see you really working at your photography - like this one too.
Yes, she is a great model, but I find the light a lill too strong on her face. Have you tried B&W yet?