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Full Version: We want you, big brother...........
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Big brother............

[Image: Big%20brother.jpg]
Incidentally, I'm merely quoting a line from a Bowie track, years ago.......
Is that a security light, or maybe a CCTV camera attached to a fascia board? Also, is it a double exposure or did you use layers?

I like the presentation framing - also the colours. Very arty Smile

Thanks Pol.

It's a CCTV camera, layered and placed on an illuminated globe, showing mostly the southern hemisphere.
Rufus Wrote:Thanks Pol.

It's a CCTV camera, layered and placed on an illuminated globe, showing mostly the southern hemisphere.

Aha .... an illuminated globe eh .... so it is!! Big Grin

Nice idea, very effective!

I thought it was some ore transportation equipment! :S