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I felt that it would perhaps interest readers to know what I am doing today, (forgive me if I'm mistaken, please).

The Mayor of our town is visiting me at a little exhibition. The space for this is being generously provided by a local company.

The Mayor, (Mayor Hall, by name), is working on a local arts project, and also familiarising himself with local industries. Logically, a blending of art and industry seemed like a good idea, and I have invited him and the local press to all meet today.
He is a very approachable individual, with a very broad perspective on life, it seems.

I shall post more after the event, which occurs in 1 hour!!!

I confess to being a little nervous................
..........Well, it's over!

There isnt much to say.
You know how it is; build up to "big event" only to wonder why you worried?

Mayor is a very nice chap, he's a photographer too, so we could just chat. In fact, we just chatted for 45 minutes.
The local press turned up, and I also had my art direrctor and pet photographer with me.

He's suggested some new avenues to explore, and has chosen an image for the town hall.

I'm happy that all is well.
Congratulations, sounds like a great day. I'm glad it went well for you.
Thank you, Matthew. Yes, I feel quite good!
Congratulations, Cremetti...!! Smile

And thanks a lot for sharing your experience of this important day with us...
So motivating to see that someone has succeeded....

It would be really nice if you could share some pictures of the event... Smile
Thank you, Irma.
I'm happy with progress so far, but "succeeded" is a bit strong!
When I reach the level of my forebears, then I will have succeeded!
Wonderful Cremetti - so happy to hear of your special day.
Oh wow! That's brilliant!

Congratulations and well done! Smile
