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Full Version: Black, white, red or navy blue?
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Oh dear, Pentax are bringing out a new DSLR, the K-x, with similar specs to the current K-7. One of the major differences is that it comes in 4 colours - black, white, red or navy blue. Oh dear...

[Image: pentax-kx-red-rm-eng.jpg]

I suppose a white one wouldn't be too bad, it could match if you had a white macbook or something like that. What colour would you get?
shuttertalk Wrote:Oh dear, Pentax are bringing out a new DSLR, the K-x, with similar specs to the current K-7. One of the major differences is that it comes in 4 colours - black, white, red or navy blue. Oh dear...


I suppose a white one wouldn't be too bad, it could match if you had a white macbook or something like that. What colour would you get?
WOW! This is so beautiful... Navy Blue can be nice too... But I can't decide Smile And it means that we will see now different colour cameras...
This is great change!

Thanks and love,
It would be interesting to see people's reaction when you are shooting in the street with a red camera... they might think it is a toy and they are more relaxed than when they see a black camera...

I don't think I would get used to a color camera. And that is interesting that they didn't work on a color like green or camouflage for nature photographrers.....
Irma Wrote:And that is interesting that they didn't work on a color like green or camouflage for nature photographrers.....
I guess that would be too good an idea Smile
Whatever happened to the jealously guarded black pro look?
Like a red rag to a bull. I had a yellow one that could swim and lay on the sand without problems. I lost it.
Maybe one with a micro chip in it, so you could find where it was, it even if it was stolen.

p.s.You could throw a red one, in the back of your Ferrari. Rolleyes
I'll take the...... black please.
My first SLR (film) was a Pentax, purchased well over 40 years ago. Although Pentax has not been one of the largest camera manufactures, they have always produced quality products. A red DSLR.... They must be getting desperate. It looks to me like a childs toy. What were they thinking?!

If you buy additional lenses, it would look pretty odd if the camera body was red or blue, but the lens was black... Big Grin
100% due to market research aimed at selling more DSLRs to women.
The effectiveness of this is surprising--even staggering.

Personally, I'm all for it.
Black is boring, and gets very hot under the brutal Texas sun.
(Our sun is bigger in Texas, of course).

I came close to buying a goldish-silver version of my Sony Alpha300, but everyone here talked me out of it. Thanks for screwing me, y'all.
Like other limited editions, today it would be worth exactly 36.8% of what I paid for it, but the satisfaction of owning such a distracting camera would be huge. Oh well...

We've all heard the rumors about how the colored cameras have much better (Sony-made) sensors than the black ones, right?
It's like getting 2.14 free megapixels!

I'll stop now.
I wonder if red lenses are faster :p
I would want to see a white dslr camera!! That would be sooooo cooooool Big Grin

I also love the red though!! Cute
Hi Shuttertalk,
Well i definitely go with black because it is my favourite colour and always be favourite.The reason may be the red something dusty and while handling it does not suite to the personality of the photographer that my thoughts
Hi Shuttertalk,
I am also very happy that Pentax are bringing out a new DSLR, the K-x with 4 colors - black,
white, red or navy blue.It is very nice that the new colors are coming in market so the demand
of it will increase.Today mostly people likes contrast matching and it looks very cool.I will
definitely go for navy blue because it is my favorite color.According to me handling with navy
blue camera suites perfectly to the photographer.I also think that white and red are dusty colors
and black is common color so navy blue is the best color.