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Full Version: Berries in the Grass
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Couldn't pass this by - such a lot of color and texture in a few inches square.

[Image: 99_Berries%20in%20the%20Grass.jpg]
that has an awesome amount of detail and colour... whew....

has this been (un)sharpened.... it looks like it has... if not, that's some powerfully sharp vegetation in your side of the world.... which is why I have to get back to Canada again!!!
I am gussing there has been a lot of Post-procesing
Yes - a LOT of post processing. Sharpening for sure - but what I think that you are mostly seeing is anistrophic diffusion which gives it that wrinkly - sort of liquid look and the heavily defined edges..
aha interesting photo
This I like very much. You brought out the neon in the grass. Great contribution.
