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Full Version: Serious: A Photo Show
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I've checked my temperature and my sanity levels..........
Despite these seeming to be normal for me, I still find.............................................................................

That I LIKE this!!!!!!! :o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o
Probably your tightest show to date. I appreciated how each photo lead to the next thematically and texturally. On the subject of theme, the included photos all had a likeness of purpose and subject that worked well within the show. Your chosen verse was appropriate to the theme. Restrained use of post processing highlighted the points where photos were significantly processed. Juxtaposing the heavily saturated shots with the B&W also very effective.
Yeah........ What he said.
Why thanks guys. That 50mm f1.8 lens is a godsend. It really improved my photography.
Glad I looked at this. There are 3 or 4 textural shots that I really do like and that the pp worked with to get the most from. In fact, these for me are so strong that I even felt the text to be a constraint in this instance. Mind you, the idea of combining text and images in a linear "slideshow" way has a lot of possibilities(I'm sure you've explored these far more than I) The brickwork and grasses shots are exemplary...and I have to say this Don, I'm really glad you let the tones and textures breathe rather than oversharpening the life outa them!
I really didn't know what I would find in your series, and I am surprised!

Great series Don... The picture of the trees is just fantastic!
Thanks Zig and Irma