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My monitor is a CRT and I have the chance to add a LCD monitor the same size as G got a notebook...

Do you think it will really improve my work in photoshop using two monitors ... G told me I can have all my tools in one monitor and my image alone in the other one....... The LCD can rotate for vertical images... and I use only mouse....

Thanks for any advice here... Smile
Useless Comment #1: Dunno - I have never used 2 monitors before. In my mind, the key benefit would be to have a second application visible as well - I would have PhotoShop on one monitor and Lightroom on the other.

As for using an LCD vs a CRT - I like the LCD screens because they are so much easier on my poor old eyes. I don't like the glare off a CRT anymore - even though some people say they have better color reproduction.
Someone who came to see some pictures at my desk asked me whether I had my monitor so soft and bright because I worked with pictures... :/

I will give it a try with both first, if I don't feel the need of both I will keep the LCD... I can see my eyes getting worse day by day. Let's see about the colors... maybe having both monitors I can see if there is a significant difference.

Thanks Toad for your comment... Smile
1. Check that your graphics card supports dual monitors and that both monitors can run at the same resolutions you'd like them to;
2.Yes, it'll make things considerably easier, as you can have palettes, navigator, etc; on one and the uninterrupted image on another;
3. LCD will certainly be easier on the eyes, as even lower refresh rates will flicker much less;
4. Get them profiled, making sure to disable Adobe Gamma first: ask G. for a Spyder Pro for a present!!
5.If the LCD is better(and wider) you might just get rid of the CRT, though I appreciate the dot pitch on CRT's may well be inherently "sharper".
Thanks Zig for your great advice!!
I have already the Spyder Pro, so I will ask G as a present to move out from his computer and make my instalation.... Big Grin
I have been using dual monitor setup for years. Originally for business. I used one monitor to read and the other to write. The one for reading also showed me e-mails and the write one I used also for calculations (spreadsheets). Now I use the dual monitor for photography and I would not change to one ever again. Just the pleasure of setting aside things you do not work on right this minute on the other monitor. Vertical and horizontal orientation is very usefull for document writing and it could be used of course for photography, although I did not bother. My main monitor is a fair size (Dell Ultrasharp 24")

Do not assume that you will be able to calibrate both monitors to the same settings. My target is 100 cd/m2 and gamma of 2.2, but my old LCD monitor can no longer achieve 100 cd/m2 while my newer monitor (about 3 years old) can barely be dimmed to that setting. I do not use the old monitors for color/tonal adjustments. The operation of dual monitor setup is very easy. Generally, you use mouse to drag from one monitor to another, that is it. make shure that you have a video card which supports dual monitor and both the CRT and LCD. You may need to get adapters. In my view, dual monitor is well worth it and the cost of dual monitor is now quite low, especially if you already have a dual monitor card installed.

Will it improve your photos? Probably not. Will it make things easier? You bet.
Dreaming: You make a very compelling argument for dual monitors - ideally 2 the exact same to reduce color calibration issues. I must investigate further...
Thanks a lot Pavel for your taking the time to write your detailed comment and advice... I just talked with G about all you said and he agreed that makes things easier..

Let's see what comes out of my new acquisition..... Wink
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