Really nice Irma.
I know we've all got our own ways of often going about the same thing. Here's some possibles I'd have done if they were my shots, or combinations of them even:
1. Duplicate as another layer, set 2nd layer to Overlay or Multiply, see where you are;
2. Either with or without the above, selective dodge and burn using big soft brushes(my answer to everything I know): dodge highlights at 3%, burn shadows at 3%.
3. Extend Number 1 above into full contrast mask as follows:
a) Duplicate as a layer; desaturate the layer totally;
b) Now Invert the layer totally;
c) Now add Gaussian blur at 250 to the layer;
d) Now set the layer to Overlay(or Soft Light if you want a more subtle effect), mess about with the opacity slider.
e) either be clever with masks(which I'm rubbish at) or use the eraser tool on the layer set at about 20% on a soft large brush, so as to reduce ant blocking of darks or blowing out of highlights.
4. I'd have maybe gone for the simple approach first: duplicate as a layer, then on the layer whack up the contrast and saturation until your eyes bleed, then use the eraser(as number 5) to reduce where necessary.
To be honest, in this instance I'd not use a polariser at all: if you do, you'll already start to block out shadows. I'd go without polariser, shooting in raw, then do the initial conversion at low-contrast to save the highlights and can always go nuts later. Get maximum detail at the "front end" gives you more room to move later on.
Hope this helps: I find that getting the "contrast-masking" habit really helps, but that's just my "workflow" I suppose. Best of...these are really nice!!
I've just had another thought, seeing as you were thinking of a "Cubist" look:
Convert to jpeg once you're happy...then mess about with Smart Blur: this would be fascinating.
A secondary possible step now would be to take the Smart Blurred image, go into Filter Gallery, and use Posterise Edges. Suggested settings would be perhaps width at 1, intensity at 1, and Posterise at 8(or max, I forget), trying out posterise settings down to about 4 depending on the size of your image.
I had time on my hands, as you can tell!
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