Some while back I went for these corny names like "dreamingpixels". I would settle for just being Pavel (However corny NT may think THAT name is). It would be nice if one could change one's handle without loosing all the contents in a group. Is there a way? These handles are like tatoos - corny and hard to remove.
Dreamingpixels Wrote:(However corny NT may think THAT name is).
I have never thought anyone's handle is 'corny'.
Now if you had been called Pete then DPete (Deep heat ) may have been a little hot for my taste.

Just using your name in vain, NT. Hard to resist. Take care friend.
Dreamingpixels, if you want to change your username, it's really easy - it's actually far simpler than kicking out a spammer. All of your previous posts and avatar will follow to your new name. The only thing that will change is that you'd need to log in under your new user ID.
I won't give my opinion here - I might be biased toward the use of single first names.
(I may have tested this on some users that haven't been seen in five years, but I've also switched my name just to prove it.)
Thanks Matthew, I get it, it is easy. I still have no idea how to do it. As far as i can tell, I can change password or e-mail but not the username.
You can't, but I can - I may act all humble around here, but I have admin privileges.

Just say the word.
Thanks Matthew. The word is Pavel
And with that, this thread just got a lot more confusing to people who will find it months or years from now. You realize that you need to write a new 'about me' post, right?

Who's this Dreamingpixels guy again?

Thank you guys for fixing this for me. Your new member - Pavel. He no longer dreams pixels. He mostly lives them
I changed my user name in the spirit of solidarity, but this single name stuff is just a little too wild for me.
Haha don't make me change mine too...

I went back to the lowercase M for mine, call me a traditionalist...
you guys must be truly bored if a chnge of user name generates so many comments. Now back to aquisition of hardware - our true calling....
Pavel Wrote:Now back to aquisition of hardware - our true calling....
On my electric bass forum it's called GAS = Gear Aquisition Syndrome, which is cool when you use it conversationally.
"That new 417mm lens gives me GAS"
I think my next username should feature bunny rabbits or baby ducks--I can't afford new gear.
Keith Alan Floppy Ears Wrote:I think my next username should feature bunny rabbits or baby ducks--I can't afford new gear.
Lol... nice touch.