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These are, in order, a daffodil in my garden housing a visitor, a waterfall in Wales at Pont Melin Fach and a snakeshead fritillary(also in my garden) looking here suitably reptilian.
For those just aching to have a look at my very latest Springy stuff in its entirety, I've posted a gallery here: Zig's latest Spring stuff
The daffodil is super bright on my netbook screen, but the stream / waterfall looks absolutely gorgeous. Love the dual point of interest in the photo. What shutter speed were you using?

As always, first class work. The stream stands out in quality - it is a feast that is best consumed over an entire evening. Also most taken with the minimalist qualities of the daffy - it is almost impossible to produce great work without taking risks and I like where you are going here. #3- I dunoo - not my kind of thing.

As always, a breath of fresh air - your renewed interest in this forum is the best thing that has happened here in a long time IMO.

Blown away by the stream, great image.
Beautiful collection Zig! Smile
D'you know, I am so very grateful for your encouragement folks, as I've felt quite talentless lately.
OK Jules: yes, I deliberately went for the blindingly hi-key look on the flower shot(your lappy monny is fine!)...wanted a sort of "alien birth" feel, if you see what I mean...? The waterfall shot: shutter speed was just under a second: I try to avoid generically-blurred, misty waterfally stuff usually, as I often find it fails to capture the power of moving water. Most of the day I was using exposures of no more than 1 second in fact. I had to go a bit blurry/misty on this shot as I went for f13 for depth of field: the puddle in the foreground was very very close.
WOW! I have visited your site now, they are so beautiful, and also I was knowing some of them before. And yes, I loved these "Fritillaria Meleagris"... wonderful. But these are too, in this post. You did creative and great set,

Thank you dear Zig, I love your photography too Smile
with my love,
I love the first one - it really rewards repeated viewing. Nicely done.