Hi All...
With the time I have had some little jobs to take pictures for web pages, and I really don't know how to handle some situations..
~ Does anyone has done this before?
~ Is there a special contract for this?
~ What should I offer?
~ How to deliver my pictures, (more images) right out of the camera or (less images) with post processing?
~ How is the way I should charge, by time, by amount of pictures?
I have seen that there are a lot of people that just need a web page for presentation... just to have the image of their business in the web. I was thinking if they are calling me for the pictures I could as well make the web page myself. I did it once already for a friend and she is very happy with my work.
Thanks so much for your advice...

Hey Irma, great that you've got something going on the side.
Haven't done this myself I can't really offer solid advice, but perhaps you could charge different packages to cater towards people's needs. I think you should be charging based on your time (after all, time is money for you) but most clients wouldn't know how long your processes take, so I would structure each packages based on something they can understand easily. e.g.
1. Unprocessed images on DVD
- 1 hour session, ~ 25 images $XXX
- 2 hour session, ~ 50 images $XXX
- 4 hour session, ~ 100 images $XXX
2. Processed images on DVD - ADD $XXX per image (possibly allow clients to see proofs and select which ones they want processed)
3. Custom web site - ADD $XXX
Anyway, those are just examples but hope that helps...
Actually, now that I think about it, I think #2 should be structured more like #1, only increase the price / reduce the image count accordingly.
Thanks Jules,
I am happy that people call me to take pictures. I never thought about doing this because I find this photography very difficult, but I am happy to know that most of people I have photographed say they feel very confident and they don't feel threatened by the camera when I am taking pictures... Maybe because I spend all my time parroting and making jokes with them and they don't realize that at this time I am taking pictures. The thing they don't know also is that this parroting attitude from me appears when I am very nervous...
Thanks a lot for your advice, too.
I like the idea of time and productivity.
My current job is in a physiotherapy clinic. I was there taking portraits of all the girls that work there and of the rooms. The girls saw the pictures and decided which picture was the best. so I post processed that one. But the owner told me she wanted to have all pictures I took anyway. It was three hours shooting.
I will have to go again to take pictures of the building because the day I was there it was cloudy and the bushes were not green and she wants to give a spring impression of the garden.
So most of my photography I do it is outside. To carry and take all my gear out is already a risk and time consuming. Most of the times I need to have G as an assistant. So I am taking pictures and he is watching in the computer together with the owner to see that the pictures are fine and are what they wanted.
I think at the moment I carry a lot of gear. but I wouldn't like to be missing something in the middle of the shooting.
About these pictures how can I handle the copy right thing? Do I have to have a model release for each girl or for the business?
May I use all those pictures for something else? let's say to show them in my own home page to promote my work?
Also I am in doubt with the size of the pictures, how big should they be?
Thanks a lot for the advice...
I will start by finding a kind of model release that fits to what people always ask.
I wouldn't sell or give unprocessed pictures to anyone, if my work is out there, I want it looking it's best.
Thanks Craig for the advice. A friend of mine that saw my pictures told me the same.