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Hi Everyone - have been so busy with my wedding work that I have been unable to really spend much time on forums. However - would like to update you with some of the latest weddings I have photographed (12 in the last 2 months alone).

Here we go:

1) Had this amazing sky on this day.
[Image: Chris%20Brown%20Photography-004.jpg]

2) Same shoot.
[Image: Chris%20Brown%20Photography-010.jpg]

3) Later in the evening.
[Image: Chris%20Brown%20Photography-013.jpg]

4) This bride booked me from England almost two years before her wedding.
[Image: Chris%20Brown%20Photography-023.jpg]

5) This bride helps assist me with weddings now.
[Image: Chris%20Brown%20Photography-032.jpg]

6) Same couple.
[Image: Chris%20Brown%20Photography-037.jpg]

7) Photographed this wedding in Geraldton - about 450km's north of Perth.
[Image: Chris%20Brown%20Photography-041.jpg]

8) Had wonderful light at this wedding.
[Image: Chris%20Brown%20Photography-051.jpg]

9) Same Wedding.
[Image: Chris%20Brown%20Photography-052.jpg]

10) Same Wedding.
[Image: Chris%20Brown%20Photography-057.jpg]

11) Another amazing sky.
[Image: Chris%20Brown%20Photography-076.jpg]

12) I have shown you a photo from this wedding before.
[Image: Chris%20Brown%20Photography-086.jpg]

13) This couple was so much fun.
[Image: Chris%20Brown%20Photography-090.jpg]

14) Same couple - one of my favourite pictures.
[Image: Chris%20Brown%20Photography-100.jpg]

15) This is the same bride from the sunset windmill shot I posted before.
[Image: Chris%20Brown%20Photography-111.jpg]

I think that is enough Smile Feel free to comment/critique.

Thanks for looking - Chris.
I like your pictures very much Chris. I like the golden light in some of them. It looks beautiful.

I think #13 is great with the reflection, however, the line in the mirror is in the way. Specially the one crossing her face. Have you considered to clone it?

Thanks so much for sharing your pictures. It is always a pleasure to see them... Smile
Wonderful work, Chris - I can see why you are in such demand.

4, 10, 12 and 15 really call out to me.
Irma Wrote:I think #13 is great with the reflection, however, the line in the mirror is in the way. Specially the one crossing her face. Have you considered to clone it?
Yes - you are so right. We were in a hurry to get the shot as the bride was already running quite late and I only realised it when I looked at it later. So easy to avoid - I will do as you suggest and clone it out.
Some beautiful shots there. Smile
With hindsight you can always find things that you could improve, but how long will it be before we get a camera with built in hindsight. Big Grin
Hi dear Chris, you had a wonderful set, they are all so romantic and well captured. My favurite is, number 4 and 9! I don't know why but they hit me much more, You did great,

Thank you,
with my love,