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Full Version: Circus in town
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We had a circus here... I only realized when they were already leaving. Smile

This shot I didn't like much in the original version, but the Virtual Painter plugin made something quite nice of it:

[Image: circus.jpg]
wowow! nice, looks like a painting Tongue
I like it too when I get my eye around it. It needs more dark though. Try increading contrast slightly.
Here it is again - less brightness, more contrast. You're right, Don. Looks better to me. Thanks!

[Image: 32_circus.jpg]
Well - I'm going to be contrary again - I like it the first way. The lower contrast gives it a more dream-like - memory-like feeling IMO.
For some reason, I'm really taken by the first one! Looks like a really nice painting - like one you'd hang up on a wall. Awesome, Don! Smile
You said you prefer the first one, then say Awesome Don who's suggestion is to increase contrast and decrease brightness as shown on the second pic Tongue

I like both!
I like the first one as well. Great effect.