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Anothe snapshot from the #45 bus.

[Image: ringleaderSM.jpg]
This guy looks pretty hoodlum-ish!

Nice play on words... if only the sign was a bit more prominent! Smile
Its a kid (maybe 12 or 14) snapped from a moving bus near the Koubassa store in the North End.

So, based on what we've seen so far Don, I'll guess that you live out in Transcona... just off Regent somewhere... Wink
Yes I do! Of course this shot was taken somewhere near Main Street. Do you know Winnipeg or are you a neighbor?
I lived in Winnipeg briefly a few years ago and still have family out there (River Heights). I'll admit I got some help from Ma Bell... I figured since I'd threatened awhile back to figure out where you live just from your photos, I should try to save face a bit... Smile
Are you a stalker, Cailean? Should I be afraid?

Nope, no stalker... just a guy with way too much time to kill... Wink
Whew! I feel better now.