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Full Version: Royal Crescent, Bath
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The town of Bath(or, Bath Spa, as it's truly named) is jampacked full of grockles(tourists) at present, though this doesn't detract from the grandeur of the largely Regency architecture.
Royal Crescent is a highly bespoke piece of real estate and attracts hordes of snappers.
Oddly enough, I'm told that Johnny Depp owns one of these houses( I wouldn't think that's him in shot, mind you; wrong-coloured frock for a start.)
Here's one treatment.
EXIF for this shot= 21mm, 1/125s, f11, ISO 100

[Image: 2290crescSepiaWeb.jpg]
Interesting treatment - I like the little well of color (where Johnny is sitting).
I like your treatment, I think you did well with the contrast (wall-tree) The colors makes the picture look timeless... Smile
I also like the treatment. It looks classic.