Nice work,Don. The HDR is a bit over the top on the last one - but it still works as part of a series like this (although the straight horizon police have been informed)...
These are really interesting Don.
I love the swimmer who looks to be fleeing in fear from the killer swans in #4, and the solarised beach sky looks quite
Bowie-esque in a good way.
The effect in the second looks like a 1920s poster type thing.
Rather unusual and not Don Scheafferish.

Don Schaefferish is not the same. lol. Thanks NT
Heck, how much acid do they put in the ice-creams there? TriPPPy dood!

A sort of dada-esque representation of "Les Baigneuses".
Seriously, these really do work to convey that sense of the misanthropic and absurd of beach scenes. I get a feeling of sadness here...but perhaps that's my own projection.
I'd better shut up, else Matthew'll be on my case for surreal English!

I never held onto it. I like it too.