Does anyone know what happened to Nia? She has been a regular on this forum for a long time, but it seems she has disappeared. How do I go about reaching her?
I agree. I haven't seen her in the poetry forums either. Maybe she's on holidays.
Forum members come and go - circumstances make them take a hiatus from time to time - many times they return and pick right back up as if they had never been away - and sometimes they don't.
I am sure that nia will return when she feels that the time is right.
Just heard she is a bit under the weather, hot in Turkey, resting under doctor's orders. (or something close to that) Be back along when feeling better.
Quote from nia in a post on another board.
By the way, I am not good for a few days, and I've been dealing with my own problems, the high temperatures and tiredness and sadness hit me so badly, I try to take rest as listening to my doctor.
Hope she feels better soon...

Thanks for following up NT... and thanks to everyone for their concern.