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Full Version: soft focus (part 2)
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Things developed a little bit in other direction, and what it was soft focus became a painterly effect. I couldn't get anything nice with my original idea about white on white with this effect so I worked my background in kind of neutral colors. I think it work much better...

This is my work so far... How do you see this effect? Any advice would be much appreciated... Smile
[Image: IMG_4531-Edit.jpg]

[Image: IMG_4534-Edit.jpg]

[Image: IMG_4539-Edit.jpg]

Thanks for looking.. Smile
I don't know what it is about the first one that irritates me. I can only think it must be the shape of the bottle. :/
Everything else I like. The third one impresses me most.Smile

I like all the little white lines coming in strange directions from the objects.
Thanks NT for your comment.

I am very happy that you say you like #3. This was a little bit of a game but it turned out well... Smile.
They look like they have been shot through a pane of etched glass - very nice.
Sorry to be critical but I like your white on white work much better. The new background colors aren't working for me - too flat and not matched tonally IMO.

This is actually quite a nice effect, but when I look at these images, I really only see the background colors and the etched effect - not the objects themselves. I like painterly effects best when they tell me something new about the subject of the photo or explore the subject's relationships to the world around it. I don't really feel that the etching effect adds anything to my perceptions of the white objects in this case. The effect seems to exist for its own sake.

Sorry to be critical - you know that I am a huge fan of your work.
Thanks Chris, I have to try also with one of those glasses... Smile


I desaturated my image to see the contrast in the background and there is none. I see what you mean about the colors in the background. I like those colors, I thought about grass and soil... I also wanted to try something out of my blue/yellow. I will try again.

This is just a desaturated image with curves modified in the blue. The darker background helps a lot.

[Image: IMG_4531-Edit_blue.jpg]

You are right this effect takes my original idea about forms and lines miles away. All comment I have received of this pictures are about the effect. I will collect more white pieces and give another try white on white. I don't have enough and in some point I find myself very limited.

No need to be sorry Toad, at the contrary I appreciate very much your comment about my pictures. .... Smile

I am optimistic about this idea with white pieces, let's see how this continues growing... Smile
I was going to say that I wished to see much more blue colours behind the white objects!!!! and then I saw the last one. But still you can play with the blue... In my mind I imagine much more soft blue...

Anyway, dear Irma you did a nice work again I loved them, so interesting for me and I am watching you always,

Thank you,
with my love,