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Full Version: Spoonbill
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At a wildlife centre.
[Image: stork1.jpg]
Wow ! Must be perfect then. Big Grin
Nice sharp image - shows the bird to best advantage including great captures of its bill and crest.

I would like to see a shallower DOF to blur the beams in the background even more. I think I would consider removing the vertical post in the mid-ground altogether.
NT, I love the fine detail on this photo, the eye detail and the subtle colors, but I do tend to agree with Robert - I would consider cleaning up the background - it was the first thought I had looking at the photo. P
NT73 Wrote:Wow ! Must be perfect then. Big Grin
Sorry NT I didn't see your picture before...

I agree with the comments before. I would add that I see it a bit dark, I think your picture is missing light, you could work the highlights just with a bit of curves.

I like the colors and all but, have you considered a bw conversion on your image?
Thanks for all your comments and I apologise for my light hearted sarcasm. Wink

I also felt the bamboo sticking up did not belong. The background is a very large netted walk in cage, which I was on the outside of, in a very tight spot.

DOF. Yes I agree, but the camera used (TZ5 ) is not aperture/speed changeable. I have to fool the camera with either EV or by using spot metering and moving the composition.
But it can be done in PS. I will have a go later, and maybe B&W as well. Smile