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I liked the prismatic effect when I was taking the shot.
They are snowflakes which due to the overnight minus temperatures have crystalised. Almost growing upwards and appearing as jewels.
They are on top of one of a pair of 450mm square pillars, holding up my gate.

[Image: snowflakes.jpg]
I think that you should be very proud of this very difficult and challenging shot. The light is amazing and I really like the selective focus. I particularly like the misty area in the bottom central zone. Well done!
Thanks Rob. It just seems strange that soft floaty snow one evening, turns into this by morning. Still, it's only water after all.
This is very strong image dear NT, I loved it too, well done,

Thank you,
with my love,
You did really well NT.. They do look like jewels... Smile The light is beautiful as well.
Thanks Irma and Nia.