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Still working with collage and now with other idea with backgrounds. It is only one image and the only texture added was the one that has the text because the apple is sitting on a cartoon box.... Rolleyes I didn't find anything of wood that could help. I work each color with mask to saturate and add style.

[Image: IMG_6654-Edit.jpg]

Thanks for your comments and advice .. Smile
I like this a lot. It works on a number of levels.

The only thing that troubles me a little bit is the lettering. The font and color are fine, but the shadow makes it seem to float above the background, where I think it would be more effective if it appeared to be stamped into the background. Maybe try a different layer effect on the text like Bevel and Emboss.

Other than that, this piece is very pleasing. Primary colors make the whole thing look fresh. Nice.
Irma, I did not check your photos for just a short while and you made another huge leap forward. This is superb. My only issue, and I am not even sure that I do have an issue with that is the lack of shadows, the flat lighting. The apple looks 2-D. Half of me likes it - it goes with overall style of the photo. Half of me objects and would like to see the bench (box?) and the apple have a sense of 3-D and some shadow, perhaps to give it a sense of separation from the background. Right now the apple looks like a part of the wonderful quilt. I do not know what is better, but I would give that some thought.

I plan to be on Shuttertalk more often and to comment more often, so I will see more of your amazing photos. I am hugely impressed by your relentless growth. Take care\

Thanks Toad, Pavel for your comments... Smile

I knew that if I had text in my picture it would play a big roll in the image, and I went for the challenge... Smile It took me a lot to decide how it would look better. You are right, the out glow in the letters doesn't fit well. I tried the stamp effect but somehow the shape of the letters didn't help to deliver the message of a stamp. I looked for a kind of stamp typeface, reduced opacity and blend it to multiply.

[Image: IMG_6654-Edit-2.jpg]

My concern in this one is the masks I am working here. I want the effect from color to color to look more transitional, not so hard as I see it now. I used out glow in the layer style to shade a bit the transition. It will take time until I find a way to make it work a bit more smooth.

I am happy to know that you liked this idea... Smile

Pavel... Smile

How nice to know that you are planing to be around Shuttertalk... Smile It is always a pleasure to see your pictures and read your comments.

The idea of this series will be more graphic, more 2D. That is why I am working my lighting in this way. It doesn't have shadows to distract and all forms and lines I work in my setup are showing in an easier way to the eye.

It is great to me that you say that the apple looks like part of the background. First because that means all is sharp, then because it worked the lighting effect I was after. My background is a collection of little pieces of paper painted by hand and pasted in a larger sheet of paper. I wanted the background to be an important part in my composition giving swatches of colors and textures to contrast. I love to see how rich the picture looks and the only subject is an apple. You also take care... Smile
You are becoming an artist. This is very slick.
Hmm. I see what you mean about the color transitions. The text does look like part of the box now, but it has lost that lovely red color that it had before. Not sure what to advise - but I know it will be perfect in the end. Its fun to experiment.
Thanks Don... Smile

I will live it as it is and work in the next one. Maybe with more practice with different colors and backgrounds the idea how to do it will come...
Thanks... Smile
I love the colours, tones, and the subtle words woven into the background. Absolutely fantastic work, and I can imagine it being an exceptional print.

I prefer the second version with the more subtle lettering, but the bigger issue that I have is that that entire lower portion of the image doesn't suit the top two thirds. I like it all the way down to where the shadow on the tabletop ends, but the browns don't suit the colours. Keeping the lettering in an explicit frame might work nicely, but the image is nicely contained as it is.
WOW! Dear Irma, this is so creative, artistic and so beautiful. I love your colour selection and the composition. You are great about this, and yes, you did another unforgetable image. And I should add this too, always exciting and enjoyable to watch your works, Thank you dear Irma,

Have a nice day,
with my love,
Thanks for your review on this image. I like very much the idea of an explicit frame for the letters... Smile

Thanks for your support, you are always so kind with your comments, specially when you say this is an unforgettable image, this is too touching.... Smile
Irma Wrote:Matthew,
Thanks for your review on this image. I like very much the idea of an explicit frame for the letters... Smile

Thanks for your support, you are always so kind with your comments, specially when you say this is an unforgettable image, this is too touching.... Smile
You are welcome dear Irma, you are one of the names that I'm impressed. Especially your colours, compositions Smile

Have a nice and enjoyable day,
with my love,
That layering-in of the stamp-type font does improve it and I really like the shot and ideas.
I've no idea what I'd do if faced with the same challenge...maybe "distress" the surface of the lettering with the erase tool set to a "scratchy" brush, varying the opacity..? I'm sure there's a mask-based way of doing the same thing, but I know so little of masks...
Thanks Zig for your comment and advice about the lettering. Yes I could use a brush with scratches, I didn't think about this. I do all my work with mask so it'll be easy.

Quote:but I know so little of masks...
Maybe it is time for me to write a "How to use masks" .. Smile
Oooo: excellent idea!