Our band was in the studio last week, so I got chance to line us up against a wall for 5 minutes, put the camera on the tripod and set the timer.
These are 3 results...the same image pp'd in different ways; I merely used the Distagon 21mm from about 10 feet away as it was a small garden, set it to f8, pressed the shutter in timer mode, quickly arranged myself, and there we were.
The rest of the shots are
Very cool pictures.
Great shot of you, btw...(but I guess you knew that already)
WOW! These are wonderful, but the first one seems to me more impressive, I imagined it on the cover of album
Well done, and Good Luck dear Zig
Thanks and Love,
Wahay, thank you chums!
Do you know, nia, that first posterised one is also my favourite..it also sums up the mood of the name and type of music we do, lending a "comicbook" genre feel.!
Very nice, I like the desaturated ones as well.
What I find strange is the apparent difference in poses between No 1, and No 2. e.g. The girl seems to lean back more in No 1 rather than No 2.
Must have something to do with our brains guessing what we think is there, when you can't actually see everything clearly. (The posturizing) sic.
They are all very good, even the torn one.
NT73 Wrote:They are all very good, even the torn one.
Yeah Zig!! Why are you showing us a ripped photo?
Here we have the very final shot/treatment that all in the band agreed they want to use as our "official" promo image: they felt that Chris our drummer was a bit too stranded out on the right of the shot in the images above, and that the inverse guitar(of Tim our songwriter/rhythm guitar) lent a nice balance.
NT makes the good point that different pp can do weird things to one's perception. I mean, we all know how effective pp can "lie" and suggest mood, setting, etc;...but I have indeed noticed that this phenomenon is increased with people-shots.
Here I've included firstly the original straight-from-raw conversion: note the fact that it's just squeezing us into a few feet of mundane space, needing all kinds of cloning out and illusion to get it to "go". I'd only included the 21mm lens as an afterthought...and I just would not have managed any shot at all without it.
What I did find was that at this distance, any movement at all outside the plane/pose struck, really affected the features of the face and proportions of the body.
Also: this
looks as if taken from eye-height I guess...but of course when I did that, it had a really mad effect on body length...so actually I had to set the camera at about waist-height here.
We did successfully record 4 "live" tracks, so it's back to the studio for a final tweak before mixdown and mastering next week; then hopefully that's our promo stuff done and we can get a few more gigs.
( Oh: I forgot to thank you for your comments and engagement: ta!)
When I first looked at your site, I liked the first pose better, nut I agree, this pose integrates the drummer far better without taking away from any of the other musicians. (and you still look cool!!)
Thanks again Rob. I agree: ideal combo would have been first pose + RH guitar pointing down + Chris on R closer in.
Zig Wrote:Wahay, thank you chums!
Do you know, nia, that first posterised one is also my favourite..it also sums up the mood of the name and type of music we do, lending a "comicbook" genre feel.!
You are welcome dear Zig! This is wonderful, I mean your musical voyage,
My best wishes and greetings to you group,
with my love,