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According to some sites, photoblogging is the next cool thing. It's where you post a photo (or more) a day, instead of the traditional journal or blog entry. Some sites now allow you to even post photos directly from your mobile phone.

What do you think? Just another fad? Or a new expression of our photograpic culture?
I think it's cool!!!!
but I haven't updated it for a while (exams coming up), but I've got heaps to put on!
It's a good way to show your photos (and link to associated galleries for the day)
So I usually post a few photographs I like from the day (and plan to link it to the gallery with ALL the pictures from the day or night)

If it's a fad, I'm still going to do it (that's what they all say... hahah)
I have been doing it on and off and decided it would be a cool thing to have on my front paage of my site, so check it out here: http://www.dewy.uni.cc/
If some one wants help setting one up gimme a yell, more than happy to help =)
I'm too old for that kinda thing, its normally reserved for the teeny boppers as demonstrated by Adam and Dewy Tongue
That's right! I'm a teeny bopper Tongue
me too Big Grin
litchilove, do you have a photo blog any where?