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Full Version: Lilly Pond
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[Image: lillypondSM.jpg]

without making what nature makes,
I install filament clouds
and wire grasses.

[Image: 53_lillypond1SM.jpg]
Wonderful all of them, but the reflection of the sky in the photograph what I liked best,

Thank you dear Don,
with my love,
thanks Nia. I think the painting is a write-off.
Don Schaeffer Wrote:thanks Nia. I think the painting is a write-off.
No, I don't think like that, this is what you imagined or what you saw... The other one what your camera captured. They are all different. But you know, they don't come together impressive, always one is better than other. It changes. Smile But both of them are nice and I liked them.

You are welcome,
with my love,