DSLR Photography Forum

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[Image: Boone-s.jpg]

One of my first shots with my first dSLR : )
If I imagined a radioactive panda, chances are it'd look like that Smile
Welcome aboard.
Is that a Burnese Mountain Dog? He's lovely.
Thanks! And no, actually he's a Australian Sheppard Chow mix. : )
Toad Wrote:Is that a Burnese Mountain Dog? He's lovely.
For one of your first shots it is very good.
If you focus on his eyes and then recompose the shot, or stop down a little to get the eyes in focus it would be an A+ Smile
NT73 Wrote:For one of your first shots it is very good.
If you focus on his eyes and then recompose the shot, or stop down a little to get the eyes in focus it would be an A+ Smile
Yeah, his eyes are a little out of focus now that you mention it.. I was really going for just focusing him and blurring the background... I really haven't been able to do that since, haha! : )
It can be tough to use selective focus on dogs, since they never quite stop moving. Personally, I suspect that autofocus has a hard time with subjects that are fluffy. Big Grin

Welcome to Shuttertalk.
Actually I loved his eyes, there is an expression in his looking and action... For a first shot, this is wonderful, I loved it. According to my own experiences, I usually take more pictures especially with dogs, cats, birds, because they move... Smile

Nice to meet you "Radioactive Panda", welcome to the forum,
Have a nice and enjoyable sharings here with us,
with my love,
Thanks for the crit guys... and the warm welcome! Smile