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Full Version: Not a complaint: attached image change
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I used to be able to copy the link to my attached photos here so I could use it on other sites and get an "[img]" image. With the new software I can't do that, I trust.
Is there a way to copy the path to my images?
Hi Don,

Thanks for asking.

Yes, the attachment thing masks the url when posting... but you can get around it as follows:

1. After posting, right click on the image, and select "Copy Image URL" or similar (depends on your browser)


2. Copy the URL and now you can use it with other places.

It should have the format of:

So you can enclose it with img tags like this:
[ img ] http://www.shuttertalk.com/forums/attachment.php?aid=12 [ /img ]

And it should work... hopefully. Big Grin

(Feb 16, 2012, 21:23)shuttertalk Wrote: [ -> ]Hi Don,

Thanks for asking.

Yes, the attachment thing masks the url when posting... but you can get around it as follows:

1. After posting, right click on the image, and select "Copy Image URL" or similar (depends on your browser)

2. Copy the URL and now you can use it with other places.

It should have the format of:

So you can enclose it with img tags like this:
[ img ] http://www.shuttertalk.com/forums/attachment.php?aid=12 [ /img ]

And it should work... hopefully. Big Grin

Thanks very much Sir