Hello everyone, I'm from Ireland and have been working my way into photography for a few years and have recently been shooting some video. I like the look of the forum, see you around

Welcome from the middle of England.
Welcome! I might be wrong but I don't think we've had a member from Ireland yet! If you need anything, please ask!

(Mar 12, 2012, 17:44)shuttertalk Wrote: [ -> ]Welcome! I might be wrong but I don't think we've had a member from Ireland yet! If you need anything, please ask! 
Well, there used to be a member a long time ago named "Crazy Irish Chick", who may or may not actually have been from Ireland...
Haha just like how EnglishBob may or may not be from England...

Might be from New England

...or how I may not actiully be amphibious...