Question 1:
Step into fantasy land for a bit and suspend all disbelief for a minute - if money was no object, and you were free of all commitments - what would your dream photography job be?
Question 2:
Say if Bill Gates said you had 1 year in which you could work on anything photographically, and he would foot all the expenses - what project would you undertake? Where would you go? What would you photograph? What equipment would you have to set up and take with you?
For me, I've always wanted to be a National Geographic photographer (well maybe not after reading
). Travel to exotic countries, shoot scenic landscapes; and discover and experience amazing cultures. Even from a young age I always loved to flip through and admire the photography from the NatGeo magazines that my Dad used to subscribe to.
For my dream project it would be something along the lines of "Rebuilding". I would probably spend a year in a disaster zone - for example the recent Tsunami in Japan - and document the whole rebuilding process, gather their stories, raise awareness... that would be awesome.
Ok, back to reality now - unless I win the lottery tomorrow. What about you?
I would have to be free of all ailments and 40 years younger.
Then maybe a Glamour pjhotographer. See I'm getting excited already and can't spell properly.

1. Nudes. And landscapes, really exotic locations around the globe. Nudes in exotic locations around the globe. Oh heck, just nudes.
2. Nudes on the moon.
Can't argue with nudes.
For myself, I guess it would be the sort of photography that not only allows you to be creative, but which expects that as part of the process. A couple of examples are:
- CD packaging (I have done a couple of these)
- Movie Posters (not yet)
- A larger project such as a Graphic Novel, Tarot deck or some such thing
- In a pinch, maybe a travel book
(Mar 21, 2012, 11:26)slejhamer Wrote: [ -> ]2. Nudes on the moon.
Lol, I think you will have some logistical challenges there with regards to the space suits...
Rob, looking forward to seeing your credits on a movie poster or a travel book...

my dream gig? well, if i was 30 years younger, i could seriously get into shooting for National Geographic... all the wonderful places and creatures those folks get to see - that'd be just about my dream photo gig. unfortunately, i'm too old and out of shape to go gallivanting around the wilds of Africa or South America, but i could settle for shooting for Penthouse...

So TV tonight:-
8.00 Cooking with Kerr (Galloping Gourmet revisited)
9.00 NCIS
10.00 Latest evening nudes. (may be extended)
11.00 Book at bedtime.
I'd like to be a successful sports photographer and cover major competitions like Olympic Games and FIFA World Cup. May not be as glamorous in practice as it sounds but still I like the idea.
1. Dream job? Probably working as an assistant for Annie Leibovitz, after finishing a masters in fashion photography. I still hope I'll get to that someday.
2. I would probably undertake a project to help young college students and artists expose their work, probably by opening a chain of galleries in countries that lack the exposure system around Europe and such. It's photography related, not a photographic project but I believe it could make a difference.
(Mar 21, 2012, 07:09)shuttertalk Wrote: [ -> ]Question 1:
Step into fantasy land for a bit and suspend all disbelief for a minute - if money was no object, and you were free of all commitments - what would your dream photography job be?
Question 2:
Say if Bill Gates said you had 1 year in which you could work on anything photographically, and he would foot all the expenses - what project would you undertake? Where would you go? What would you photograph? What equipment would you have to set up and take with you?
For me, I've always wanted to be a National Geographic photographer (well maybe not after reading this
). Travel to exotic countries, shoot scenic landscapes; and discover and experience amazing cultures. Even from a young age I always loved to flip through and admire the photography from the NatGeo magazines that my Dad used to subscribe to.
For my dream project it would be something along the lines of "Rebuilding". I would probably spend a year in a disaster zone - for example the recent Tsunami in Japan - and document the whole rebuilding process, gather their stories, raise awareness... that would be awesome.
Ok, back to reality now - unless I win the lottery tomorrow. What about you?
Sports Illistrated.
All expences and equipment supplied of corse

I'd have my own plane and travel continuously doing humanitarian work. Unfortunately there's no shortage of misery in the world.
I'd have a video crew and my own TV station where people could see in real time what we were doing and donate to help and maybe see their name pop up on the screen and become part of the healing process.