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Hi everyone

At the end of the year Im moving to Perth, and I would like to know how is the market for profesional photographers. Also if many of you have change to the better system? Canon digital?

A bit about myself: Im base in South Africa,I do mostly art photography that is festivals, dance, teather, etc, low light is my game.

How can I breack into the market in Perth, are there any jobs? How is the bussiness run? any advice will be appreciated. I will be taking all my studio gear as well all my camera and lenses.

Are there any photographic lab that cater for profesionals? any recomendations?

[Image: pixs5.jpg][Image: pixs6.jpg][Image: pixs.3.jpg]

Some of my work, will post some more later


Hello there!

Good to "meet" you. Smile

No doubt an Aussie will come along soon and help out. Me, I'm in the UK.
Hi Rufus

Yeah mate, I know there are mighty helpful!


G'day Christian, and welcome to Shuttertalk!

In Melbourne there are a couple of labs which most pro photographers use... However, StudioJ is a pro based in Perth, and I'm sure he can help you out with the details for that part of our beautiful country.

Your work looks great by the way... awesome low light photos. Do you do it full time?
Hey Christian,

I'll just post a hello message at the moment, I've had a pretty flat out last few days and I'm on my last bit of stamina. This is just a reminder to let me know to look here again tomorrow when I'm alive! Smile


Welcome to the forum Christian. Good to see you. Smile
Hi again Christian,

I'm back on deck now!

I'm not one to go to the kind of festivals that you are involved in so I'm not sure how the industry works on that side of things.

Breaking into the industry is the same here as anywhere, take your portfolio around to the people you want to work with and offer your services, do some freebies to get known etc.

There are several pro labs in Perth, I don't however have an opinion on any of them as I don't shoot film.

Anything else feel free to ask.

Greetings... and welcome. You are among friends now. Big Grin