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Full Version: I was in Sydney too!
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Hi guys,
I've been away sick and away interstate, I know I've been missed, you don't need to say it Smile

anyhoo.. I borrowed a friends 10D (no, I'm not looking to change to the "dark" side") and took a walk around Darling Harbour in Sydney. I didn't see Jules, but we seemed to be in similar places.

17-40 wide angle:
[Image: IMG_0024.JPG]

I borrowed my friends f2.8 100mm Macro Lens and found it outstanding.

[Image: IMG_0031.JPG]

[Image: IMG_0040.JPG]

[Image: IMG_0051.JPG]

Thoughts, feedback etc.
Great shots, gd! Love the horse and the bird (1 and 3).

The blurred background on the bird is awesome! Wink
Thanks ST. I would have loved even more blur on the first one, and am learning about how to pan properly.

Thanks for the feedback.

On the fourth one, I really like this for the abstract composition and fairly neutral background, in your opinion would it have been better to be out from the subject a bit and show more background?
Great shots. I really like the motion in the fountain shot.