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Full Version: Photos from a Rainy Day
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shot with the ProOptic 500mm (f6.3) mirror lens and the NikkorQ 135mm f3.5 lenses

[Image: 88982d1343859856-photos-rainy-day-bloominrainsm.jpg]

[Image: 88983d1343859856-photos-rainy-day-failuresm.jpg]

[Image: 88984d1343859856-photos-rainy-day-treeburstsm.jpg]

[Image: 88985d1343859856-photos-rainy-day-blujay3sm.jpg]

[Image: 88986d1343859856-photos-rainy-day-blujay2sm.jpg]
Even the bird looks sad to be out on a rainy day. Although I can't say I've ever seen a happy bird...
I really like that 3rd shot of the spiky tree (that's the scientific name), for reasons that I'm unable to describe right now.
You have a heart, Trichstir. I enjoyed your comment. Thanks.
[Image: 75602-f793aba7bdd78d11.jpg]

oil crayon and graphite