DSLR Photography Forum

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I don't really have something important to say, but just wanted to say hi, so you know I'm here Big Grin

Since I am here already, few words about me - photography is just a hobby for me, I'm not into expensive and fancy equipment, as I have my (maybe a bit strange) own philosophy about making photos (and yeah, limited funds).

Street photography, animal portraits and food are the topics I truly enjoy, and I'm really, no - I mean really really bad in making human portraits. I hope I will find some help about that here.
(Oct 3, 2012, 03:26)Korry Wrote: [ -> ]I don't really have something important to say, but just wanted to say hi, so you know I'm here Big Grin

Since I am here already, few words about me - photography is just a hobby for me, I'm not into expensive and fancy equipment, as I have my (maybe a bit strange) own philosophy about making photos (and yeah, limited funds).

Street photography, animal portraits and food are the topics I truly enjoy, and I'm really, no - I mean really really bad in making human portraits. I hope I will find some help about that here.


Hello and nice to meet you! Glad you decided to join us here in the forums! We look forward to hearing about your adventures and seeing some of your work!
