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Shooting people is something I find really hard. I like spontaneous portraits and capturing moments, and still have no idea how to achieve that with models in front of my camera, but I'm practicing...with totally random strangers found on the street Shy

[Image: in_love_by_k0rry-d5h38v8.jpg]

[Image: 7cf0b876845e3989401a903e0d4ae3be-d3kyadp.jpg]
I like these unrehearsed snapshots, they feel so natural! Congrats!
Thank you very much, kNox Shy
I really really like the first. I wouldn't be brave enough to ask strangers if I can take their pics. I am shy to even pull out the camera in public. Smile
(Oct 21, 2012, 10:19)BrandyMaeD Wrote: [ -> ]I really really like the first. I wouldn't be brave enough to ask strangers if I can take their pics. I am shy to even pull out the camera in public. Smile

Thank you so much, BrandyMaeD Shy

Not so long time ago, I was shy, just like you, to even pull out the camera out. And asking a stranger if I could take a photo of them was something I thought I will never be able to do. Then I started hanging with my fellow photographers, and all my fears disappeared. After few shy tries I realized - you can't do your practice with the camera hidden in the bag, and I really do want to improve my skills.
I found it way easier to approach the total stranger and ask if I could make a few shots than asking my friends to be my models, as I still don't know what to do with people ready to pose.
LOL maybe I will work up the courage and give it a try next time.