Twice retired, enjoying the Golden years and snow-birding to Arizona. I take pictures of anything that will not get me into a mountain of trouble. I have a lot of scenic and landscape pictures. My preferences are old barns, abandoned homesteads, antique tractors, and flowers. I have done some weddings of which I am not too keen about. Special events and wedding anniversaries are fun though. I am wanting to learn how to take beautiful portraits.
(Oct 18, 2012, 22:35)pixbyjnjphotos Wrote: [ -> ]Twice retired, enjoying the Golden years and snow-birding to Arizona. I take pictures of anything that will not get me into a mountain of trouble. I have a lot of scenic and landscape pictures. My preferences are old barns, abandoned homesteads, antique tractors, and flowers. I have done some weddings of which I am not too keen about. Special events and wedding anniversaries are fun though. I am wanting to learn how to take beautiful portraits.
What a refreshing introduction, Welcome to Shuttertalk.
Hi welcome.
Just keep practising and make a note of the settings when you get a good one.
You will soon catch up.

Welcome to the group! It is a pleasure to have you here with us! We would love to see some of your photos and learn more about you! Glad you are here!
Awesome! Can't WAIT to see some of your photos!