Hello people my names Bill I am 64 years old and have just bought my first dslr camera . A Canon 650D I have only ever had point and shoot cameras till now . The last one was a Sony Cybershot super zoom that I really enjoyed using so have taken the next step . I have three lenses two I got with the camera a 55-250 mm and a 18-55mm kit lenses . the third I bought seperate thats a 60 mm Macro lense as I simply love close up shooting of spiders and all insects . Its just the getting them to sit still while I take thier photos I am having trouble with The hitting on the back of the head method with a shoe does keep them still but not good on the photo lol .
Try a smaller shoe!
Welcome to shuttertalk Bill. You'll find the learning curve from P&S to DSLR a complicated one, but once mastered it's well worth it. When I got my first DSLR I have to admit I was dissapointed, the shots straight out of the camera weren't as vivid or sharp as the P&S I had been previously using.
Once I mastered the post processing work flow my images were brighter and sharper than ever... and low light performance is way better than P&S.
Welcome to the forums! We are glad you are here! We look forward to seeing how you are coming along in photo shooting!
WOOHOO! Another Canon user! Welcome! Can't wait to see some of your photos!
(Oct 21, 2012, 10:02)BrandyMaeD Wrote: [ -> ]WOOHOO! Another Canon user! Welcome! Can't wait to see some of your photos!
Hello Brandy
Gotto figure out how to download photos first lol
(Oct 21, 2012, 06:24)Barbara G. Wrote: [ -> ]Welcome to the forums! We are glad you are here! We look forward to seeing how you are coming along in photo shooting!
thanks for the welcome Barbra