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Hi everyone my nwme is Brian and I am a freelance photographer.I work mainly front of stage at gigs and festivals through out the UK. I am also a published landscape photographer. I photograph mainly my naitive Scotland. I am looking forward to reading and contrihuting to the posts on the forum.
Welcome to the photography forums! It is nice to meet you and have you here on site with us! I would love to travel to Scotland some day! Our girl scout troop took some time to learn about Scotland! We would love to see some photos of the area you have taken! Thanks for being here!
Hi Barbara, thank you for your lovely welcome. I am looking forward to being part of the forum both to learn and maybe pass on a few tips. I so hope that you make it over here to my Bonnie Scotland. I live in the Royal Burgh of Dumfries & Galloway on the Solway coast. I have enclosed a few pics of my local area, the pic that may interest you most, is the little cottage with the Scottish and American flags flying. This is the Birth Place of the founder of the American Navy John Paul Jones, in the War of Independence. A hero to the Scots and the Americans, and a traitor to the English. The village by the sea is my home Kippford, One road in same road out. A most beautiful place to be brought up, behind and opposite the village is 50,000 acres of hills and forest, my childhood playground. The river scene is the centre of Dumfries a town with a thousand year history. The bridge in the pic is the Lady Devorgila Bridge built in the 11th century by the said lady and still in daily use. Lady Devorgila was married to John Bailiol a contender for the Scottish Crown along with Robert the Bruce who eventually became King. Bailiol went on to found Bailiol college Oxford one of our top learning houses. When Bailiol Died Lady Devorgila was said to have worn his heart in a casket around her neck till the day she died, romantic eh!
Anyway I hope you enjoy the pics. I will close now before this post turns into a book.
Cheers for now Brian.[attachment=693][attachment=694][attachment=695][attachment=696][attachment=697]

Wow! Awesome! Thanks so much for posting the photos and giving us a little history, too! I love to see photos of this area!