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Full Version: Some photos to critique
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These are some of the few pics I took on film. Critiques and comments welcomed.
Note: Post moved to Critique thread.
Dude, I love the second photo. It captures that "first snow of the year" feeling! Not long to go before we get the first snow, too!
I really don't get the first one, did the guy just miss the buss or what? The second one is nothing special except for the snow but these types of photos seem very mundane when they are taken but 20 years later have a nostalgic feel to them so they are worth keeping.
I love the second one! The first one is really cool too. Love the light squigglies. Love seeing the dog jump too. Smile Okay, honestly I really like them all, maybe I shouldn't choose a fav. Off topic, jealous of your snow!
The guy was thwrowing snowballs on passing buses. We do that around here. I mean, kids usually do it. Tongue Thank you all for the comments.
Well dude thanks to you for sharing the pics about it and please share me more pics about it So i like the second one! What do you say about it dude?????SmileSmileSmile
The image with the dog is a cracker! Love it. Pity that the red sign was cut off though.
Love the 2nd image. Totally gives sense of the condition of weather in the image.
Love #2 and #3.

#2 is one of the those photos with just the right 'feel', colour, perspective and composition. Its a magazine style that one would see in national geographic. Not because its the most sharp, etc etc, but because it just feels right from the outset. Sounds corny.... *shrugs shoulders...*

Same for #3. See above.

Well done.
I adore these shots vlad! They all really capture a moment for me they all have a brilliance if I had to choose one I'd opt for number one, I think it's fantastic Smile