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Good day all,

Looking for some feed back on my pics. These were taking with my phone but I'm curious as to how various techniques you pros use could have enhanced what I was trying to accomplish. I was golfing when I saw the flower, the sun was very bright and I was looking to capture more vibrancy in the flower but no angle did what I thought. The ice sculpture caught my eye because of the deep blue sky but the contrast I thought would be greater. Any and all comments would be greatly appreciated

The pose for the children is nice. You could run it through "Highlights and Shadows" if you have photoshop to lighten the dark bits. Or use a lighter background, not too light though.
The first two have blown highlights, which can be controlled slightly with metering. assuming the phone has half-press on the shutter button. Or get the sun behind you or to the side of the shot.
The ice one is ok. Maybe a little bit of levels will bring out the ice.

And I'm no pro. Just been taking photo's, a bit longer than some. Big Grin
For the flower with the "Super Nova" right above it a tighter crop will do the job nicely - as I scroll my screen down to see the other photos I notice that if I cut the pic off right as the spot where it becomes bothersome you still get the sense of intense light on the flower itself but it ceases to be a distracting element in the shot.
Hi Qmasi!
I agree that closer cropping would help the flower shot. Another thing you could try next time is to put the sun directly behind your flower for a silhouette effect. Also, if your exposure were a little darker than this one the saturation of colors might be better.

The ice shot could have been a little brighter and I'd clone out the person's head in the bottom right corner...

Overall, I'd suggest bracketing your exposures where you can, it's possible even with a phone cam. With digital it doesn't cost anything and it helps you learn how your camera reacts in a given circumstance.
What a lovely shot of the children's smiling faces. With iPhoto if you have it, you can set a ring of blur to blur out the background. In GIMP (free version of Photoshop) there is a tool called softglow under filters, which adds radiance in the skin, eyes and teeth. I love using it in portraits, and you can edit it easily up or down. Not sure which tool in PS would do that.
I agree with other comments regarding the rest of photos. I love the flower one, just crop and then blur background.

(Dec 4, 2012, 13:02)QMASI Wrote: [ -> ]Good day all,

Looking for some feed back on my pics. These were taking with my phone but I'm curious as to how various techniques you pros use could have enhanced what I was trying to accomplish. I was golfing when I saw the flower, the sun was very bright and I was looking to capture more vibrancy in the flower but no angle did what I thought. The ice sculpture caught my eye because of the deep blue sky but the contrast I thought would be greater. Any and all comments would be greatly appreciated


zoshart - welcome to the forums! It is nice to have you here with us! Look forward to hearing more!
Thanks for the welcome Barbara. Good to be here.

Is this a good forum to share links to help others learn, free courses, photo competitions also? Haven't been here long enough to read all the fine print.

Where do I go to upload a pic of me? Is that the same as icon? Thanks.

Z Heart

(Dec 19, 2012, 13:48)Barbara G. Wrote: [ -> ]zoshart - welcome to the forums! It is nice to have you here with us! Look forward to hearing more!

(Dec 19, 2012, 16:30)zoshart Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for the welcome Barbara. Good to be here.

Is this a good forum to share links to help others learn, free courses, photo competitions also? Haven't been here long enough to read all the fine print.

Where do I go to upload a pic of me? Is that the same as icon? Thanks.

You are welcome to post worthwhile info within the forums which would be helpful for the members.

To upload a picture, do you see User CP on the left side toward the top? You can click this and it will take you to some options. You add a small picture by clicking change avatar. Let us know if you need more help.

Thanks again!