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Full Version: Backyard birds
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Cedar Waxwings invaded my yard and got a shot of a Brown-headed Nuthatch. These birds are only passing through and felt fortunate to get photographs of them.
I'm using a Canon 60 D with Canon Zoom Lens EF 70-300mm.[attachment=1197][attachment=1198][attachment=1199][attachment=1200]
The last image is pretty amazing. I bet it took a lot of time for you to catch something like this. Good job!
The last one is pretty good. Welcome to shuttertalk!
(Mar 5, 2013, 08:37)alessya Wrote: [ -> ]The last image is pretty amazing. I bet it took a lot of time for you to catch something like this. Good job!

Thanks you so much for your comment.
Actually, the Waxwings were so abundant and active that I used rapid shutter to catch those images. I only had to filter through 800 of them to find some good ones!!
(Mar 5, 2013, 12:34)vlad Wrote: [ -> ]The last one is pretty good. Welcome to shuttertalk!

Thank you and thank you. I'm looking forward to Shuttertalk and learning a great deal.