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Full Version: Cute Kid 2013 Photo Contest
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For those with babies, or friends with babies, there is a baby contest at:


The prize includes $25,000 college fund as well as other items. Just wanted to let everyone know!
This site also has info from last year as well as for this year. It also has some of the photos that have been entered on the site.
Hi All this is my cute kid Angel
Wow - he is adorable (or she) and look at those big brown eyes! The eyes also seem to have some green in them. You captured a very nice expression!
(Nov 19, 2013, 11:16)john.mcintosh Wrote: [ -> ]Hi All this is my cute kid Angel

it seems this baby is having a great time Nicely captured Smile

Also thank you Barbara for the contest link Smile Would it be one of the shuttertalk members could won the prizeBig Grin could be Smile
(Nov 20, 2013, 12:46)Barbara G. Wrote: [ -> ]Wow - he is adorable (or she) and look at those big brown eyes! The eyes also seem to have some green in them. You captured a very nice expression!

Hi Barbara
Thanks for your views , it was shot with a Nikon point and shoot, pretty good result.
Its my grandson and he and he is 3 months old. bath times are always fun with the wee man he just loves the water.