Hi, I'm new to all this digital stuff...high learning curve here! Always loved cameras and taking photos...used film for years, not so much lately too expensive. Got a Pentax K30 so I could make use of old manual lenses and because i missed looking thru the lense to compose pics. Took the plunge when I found the weather sealed body and pro features for a good price. Eager to learn more about my dslr and the post processing technical stuff.
Welcome to the digital forums! We are glad you are here with us and look forward to learning more about you! Feel free to jump right in and ask questions!
(Apr 27, 2013, 09:17)Sunnykaren Wrote: [ -> ]Hi, I'm new to all this digital stuff...high learning curve here! Always loved cameras and taking photos...used film for years, not so much lately too expensive. Got a Pentax K30 so I could make use of old manual lenses and because i missed looking thru the lense to compose pics. Took the plunge when I found the weather sealed body and pro features for a good price. Eager to learn more about my dslr and the post processing technical stuff.
You and me both Sunny'...I have a K10D and a K30. I've recently taken photography seriously rather than continue to fanny around the edges of it. The K30 seems to be a rather decent bit of kit, especially when combined with a 150-500 lens in order to shoot our feathered friends, whilst the K10-although now somewhat dated- still makes for a damned fine landscape camera with the right lens attached.
I'm on a very similar learning curve as it goes dude, but it's been a great journey so far!
Is your 150-500 lens a newer Pentax, older Pentax or another brand adapted to Pentax? Do you like it? I'm a stickler for sharp, crisp photos. I need to dig out and evaluate my old lenses and find out what will actually work with the Pentax. It has been difficult to find the time and energy to do all the creative things I want to do......ordinary life has a way of getting in the way!
Hi and welcome to shuttertalk Sunnykaren

I had that kind of issue whee ordinary life always get in my way but when I use to bring my camera for more than 2 weeks and produce nothing then I realized that I need to shoot atleast anything to have my camera a little worthier than hanging on my neck or inside my cabinet. I started to shoot face of my friends their expressions and how their body react, and you know what, I learned to know anticipation from it especially when covering weddings.
(May 6, 2013, 15:14)Sunnykaren Wrote: [ -> ]Hi,
Is your 150-500 lens a newer Pentax, older Pentax or another brand adapted to Pentax? Do you like it? I'm a stickler for sharp, crisp photos. I need to dig out and evaluate my old lenses and find out what will actually work with the Pentax. It has been difficult to find the time and energy to do all the creative things I want to do......ordinary life has a way of getting in the way!
Hi Sunnyk,
As it goes, the 150-500 is a Sigma. I picked it up new for considerably less than the average asking price and I'm glad that I did to be honest. So far (and for the price) it's been a terrific lens in combination with the K30 and unless you're aiming for the top end of commercial photography then (and outside of the usual errors we all sometimes suffer) you won't find too many folk picking holes in the quality of your results.
Definitely a case of 'Job done and it's a good'un!'
Hi! It's nice to have you around. The Pentax k30 looks like a great camera. I owned about 6 Pentax DSLRs so far, and hopefully I'll get a K-5 this year.
(May 7, 2013, 13:39)vlad Wrote: [ -> ]Hi! It's nice to have you around. The Pentax k30 looks like a great camera. I owned about 6 Pentax DSLRs so far, and hopefully I'll get a K-5 this year.
I'm lusting after the new K5 II...but must ignore such emotions and first match my abilities with what is to be extracted from the excellent Pentax kit I already have...
...He writes, whilst still drooling over images of the K5 II like a helpless fool!!
But.. why? You already have the same great sensor, image stabilisation, viewfinder, and autofocus and weathersealing. And twin dials. In a slightly smaller body.