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Full Version: Be honest, be kind
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This was a candid shot from yesterday. DIL and grand daughter. No planning, just snapped it. I used Photoshop Elements 11 for post production. Basically asking critique of PP.
Looking forward to hearing some comments from the other members! Thank you for asking for some honest and kind critiques!
I can't see them. Is this a problem for everyone, or just me? I'm using an iPad, don't know if that helps...
I don't think the vignette helps, it's too obvious. Makes me feels like I'm looking through a keyhole.
Other than that, that's a nice tender moment you caught there.
(May 27, 2013, 14:44)Beckylouise Wrote: [ -> ]I can't see them. Is this a problem for everyone, or just me? I'm using an iPad, don't know if that helps...

Maybe a setting on your iPad? I don't have one, so I am not sure. Does anyone else know about iPad and viewing photos online?

Is the second photo the original one? I like it most.
Becky - where you able to see the photos?
(May 30, 2013, 12:38)Barbara G. Wrote: [ -> ]Becky - where you able to see the photos?

No Sad I tried on my laptop too Huh
Seeing you asked.... I'd crop it closer behind the girl to tighten things up. Also it is slightly out of focus (can correct in PP) as opposed to soft-focused. Nice candid picture though.
Yep the vignette added little distraction I guess maybe too much. Try to lessen it. Also try to lessen the space behind them if can't able to give more infront of them. Giving them space to breath/move kinda thing. B/W or with colors doesn't matter, mood of the subject turns the composition to a whole new level.
I think I would have cropped it hard on the left and blurred out the background a little, rather than apply the vignette. Suggest next time you don’t go in so close; it gives you more opportunity to recompose. a bit more space to the right would help a great deal. I would have tried to take out the red mark under the child’s eye, but a lovely mother/daughter pose.