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Full Version: Practicing Digital Photography: Taking Close Ups
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(Aug 25, 2013, 04:43)EdMak Wrote: [ -> ]If you look closely at left eye, I can see myself, (This was on original file, not resized for forum). Ed.

Great shot, Ed
SarahE - Hello and welcome to the forums! It is nice to meet you and to see your first post on site! Can you tell us a little more about the photo and your settings? Or, what ever info you would like to share with us? Thank you!
[attachment=1741]Spent a few hours down on the beach today, peering into the rock pools. Lowest tide of the year. 100mm macro lens, f9 at 1/100 sec. 400 ISO. Canon 60D.
Was this through water Dean, in any case good shot. Try lighten it a bit, sure it would improve, based on my Monitor. Ed.
(Aug 26, 2013, 04:29)EdMak Wrote: [ -> ]Was this through water Dean, in any case good shot. Try lighten it a bit, sure it would improve, based on my Monitor. Ed.
Thanks for the pm Ed. Yes, it was through water and I had forgotten my polariser.

That was quick Dean, don't own any Filters, so can't forget them. Cheers. Ed.
This is very cool! How did you get so close? If you were using a telephoto lens.....even better.
(Aug 25, 2013, 14:57)Barbara G. Wrote: [ -> ]SarahE - Hello and welcome to the forums! It is nice to meet you and to see your first post on site! Can you tell us a little more about the photo and your settings? Or, what ever info you would like to share with us? Thank you!

Thank you for the welcome. I took this photo last Feb. just as the pussywillows were coming. I use a Sony DSC T50 point and shoot. Settings are limited so I just set the camera on macro, held it steady and shot. I'm quite pleased with the result.
Thanks Sarah. I was using a 100mm macro lens so was about 8 inches above the water surface. Shallow rock pool only a few inches deep. Shrimp seemed to be interested in what I was doing and came closer for a better look!
[attachment=1759]A photograph of pineapple
Hi Casey, unfortunately the size does not convey much, I get away with a 1024x768, try around that figure, too big and you get a warning, look forward to a better look. Ed.
hi i took this shot after we had a down poor of rain all through the night, it was with my VR 17-55mm lens ISO 140. 1/125s F/8 i had +17 macro lens filters on to get a close shot.... the photo was taken about 12:50h. i dont know why but i feel sad when i look at this ?!
caught this damsel fly out for a walk, its a common blue but u dont see many of them around our neck of the woods... i took it with my sigma 70-300mm ISO 400, 1/125s F/5.6 with macro. i have some of the damsels in tandem..
Bigger imsge please?? Ed.
(Aug 28, 2013, 16:28)funkymunky Wrote: [ -> ]caught this damsel fly out for a walk, its a common blue but u dont see many of them around our neck of the woods... i took it with my sigma 70-300mm ISO 400, 1/125s F/5.6 with macro. i have some of the damsels in tandem..

(Aug 28, 2013, 16:22)funkymunky Wrote: [ -> ]hi i took this shot after we had a down poor of rain all through the night, it was with my VR 17-55mm lens ISO 140. 1/125s F/8 i had +17 macro lens filters on to get a close shot.... the photo was taken about 12:50h. i dont know why but i feel sad when i look at this ?!

there we are bigger images tis near my bed time,, sorry peeps... zzzzz
Sharpen the first one a bit more, cracking. Ed.
that's the best i can get Sad i have a few shots of the damsel and in tandem so i will play about tomorrow and see what i can come up with :0 nite all zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
[attachment=1766][attachment=1766]I love taking pictures of raindrops on flowers, etc after a rain. The objects I found were too high for my tripod so I tried to stay still and just shot. I love the way the background looks so clear in the raindrop. I used the magnifying glass setting on my point and shoot.
Very nice images everyone! Love to see what everyone is working on!

Keep them coming! Thanks!
(Aug 28, 2013, 19:10)SarahE Wrote: [ -> ]I love taking pictures of raindrops on flowers, etc after a rain. ...

And you are quite good at it! Love the last one.
Darn ---- Bought a $850. 100mm Macro and it still hasn't rained. Not only that, they say it aint gonna.
(Aug 29, 2013, 15:53)Eli Ho Wrote: [ -> ]Darn ---- Bought a $850. 100mm Macro and it still hasn't rained. Not only that, they say it aint gonna.

No worries, Eli - autumn is coming and I'm quite sure we'll all have more than enough rain in a next few months.
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