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Full Version: Practicing Digital Photography: Taking Close Ups
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when i cant get out to take some shots i just go into our garden...... and if its not been raining i just get the hose or spray bottle Tongue
Great, first and last have possibilities. Ed.
taken with m sony dcs h200 ,still learning how too use it ..any tips would be greatly received
(Sep 6, 2013, 12:26)pknutts Wrote: [ -> ]taken with m sony dcs h200 ,still learning how too use it ..any tips would be greatly received
Well the flower, which I assume was to be your subject, is soft and over exposed, IMO. Decide what it is you are wanting to photograph and then work around that. Pale colours, such as your rose, are harder to get right. I would have got in much closer to avoid both the twig on the right and left. The background is nicely out of focus. Interesting that the spiders web is sharp, showing where your point of focus is.
Worth trying Spot Metering and/or bracketing if available. Roses, from experience, are a bit problematical to get just right. Ed.
hi bud i'm no pro (far from it) and i get what you was wanting to do, i have tried roses many times and it never turns out the way i intended, personally i would of took a closer image maybe from the right side, and got just a bit of the leaf (green n brown) in the right corner and the background blurred..... would of possibly got some of that web in as well. sorry for the criticism..
Anyone go around with a pair of snippers to cut off bits of stray foliage that gets in the way?
(Sep 9, 2013, 06:18)Dean Wrote: [ -> ]Anyone go around with a pair of snippers to cut off bits of stray foliage that gets in the way?

Sure do !!! Also flowers that are wilting Smile


[attachment=1810]Shared this with Ed, off line, but perhaps others would have a view. Its a Sundew, a carnivorous plant that grows on the edge of peaty bogs and marshes. Wiki says that they grow to 20cm but this one was only about 2cm at the most. Taken on a Canon 60D with a canon 100mm macro lens. Hand held but really leaning on plastic bag laid in the mud. Tilting screen on 60D great help in situations like this.
Put my finger between it, on Tablet, sure it started to close!! Top notch. Ed.
(Sep 14, 2013, 06:13)Dean Wrote: [ -> ]Shared this with Ed, off line, but perhaps others would have a view. Its a Sundew, a carnivorous plant that grows on the edge of peaty bogs and marshes. Wiki says that they grow to 20cm but this one was only about 2cm at the most. Taken on a Canon 60D with a canon 100mm macro lens. Hand held but really leaning on plastic bag laid in the mud. Tilting screen on 60D great help in situations like this.

Wow! I really, really love the photo!
thanks, Korry
on holiday and took this on the balcony[attachment=1822]
Nice one. Have you post processed this, it will sharpen up a bit? Ed.
[attachment=1824]Crane flies out and about come September. Processed this using a trial copy of Perfect Photo 7. Like d the focal point presets. Must play with that some more before the trial period runs out.
Great close up, That's some wicked sharpness, must try it myself
Looks great to me Dean, what's the ( "Diameter). Ed.
(Sep 16, 2013, 12:38)EdMak Wrote: [ -> ]Looks great to me Dean, what's the ( "Diameter). Ed.

Do you mean “how big”? The crane fly, or daddy longlegs to me, was about 3cm across, from leg to leg.
More impressive. Ed.
(Sep 16, 2013, 03:29)EdMak Wrote: [ -> ]Nice one. Have you post processed this, it will sharpen up a bit? Ed.

don't have the software for that yet
(Aug 25, 2013, 04:43)EdMak Wrote: [ -> ]If you look closely at left eye, I can see myself, (This was on original file, not resized for forum). Ed.

but Ed, do we really want to look that closely? lol

Taken this morning, raining outside, so, indoors, was given 5 mts. Its sitting on mantelpiece in living room, camera on tripod, manually focused, holding a torch to light inside the damaged thread. 125th@F6.3, tidied up in P/SD. Bolt is about 1" across. Ed.

Did not manage self portrait this time Vik!!

superb shot!

feel my envy!

Well I had another go, as detail was the criteria, still inside, as before, just had a bit more time, worth while. Ed.
[attachment=1885]found this little porcelain fungus in the woods today. It is only about 12mm across.
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