Last years, this year not so good. I did put the sky in, although it was above when taken. it is situated against a building, and the thought of a ladder, onto a flat roof, hanging it somehow, etc. etc. Could have been done, perhaps would have, many years ago!! Not now!!! Ed.
Thank you for sharing! I love the colors in the photo!
Now that is nice. Few spots where the mask hasn’t been tight enough and the “sky” doesn’t show through, but flowers are sharp; a nice image.
Thank you both. Dean is there any chance what you are seeing, are in fact dead leaves??? Ed.
(Aug 23, 2013, 14:55)EdMak Wrote: [ -> ]Thank you both. Dean is there any chance what you are seeing, are in fact dead leaves??? Ed.
Gorgeous hanging basket - obviously hung in a perfect place to bloom like that. Like Barbara, love the colour!