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I was wondering if it is time to rethink the post rankings at shuttertalk...

I notice that there's an awful lot of Fanatics running around here... which seems to be the top rank. Some folks have over 900 posts with the same rank as those with just a few hundered... that doesn't seem fair. Oddly, Dewy seems doomed to remain an Ambassador forever!

0-49 - Newcomer
50-249 - Snapshot Shooter
250-499 - Happy Snapper
500-999 - Shuttertalk Shutterbug
1000-1499 - Super Shuttertalker
1500-1999 - Super Duper Shuttertalker
>2000 - Shuttertalker Extraordinaire!!!

What are YOUR ideas for new rankings??

(Hope you don't mind this, ST, but I was starting to get bored with the existing rankings...)
You know I never even noticed the rankings before. But now that you mention it, I guess they should be updated a bit. As long as the little face things don't go away. I vote Yes.

I'd lke mine to change to "Prom Queen" Smile
Lol... funny idea, Colin...

I originally intended the ranks to be around "talking" hence the "introvert", "smooth talker" etc... Smile

But I'm always open to suggestions Smile
Hey ST since you do all the news how about you change yours to "neighbourhood gossip" Wink
Lol.. don't tempt me Smile
Can you allow people to put what they want? Either way I'd like to see J's as Prom Queen. Big Grin
I really don't care for rankings at all - but I will be happy to go with the group consensus.
You can be the Frog Prince, Toady!! Smile
Does some one have a problem with me being an Ambasador?
Some people call me a "squawkie talkie" :x

dewy Wrote:Does some one have a problem with me being an Ambasador?
Not at all, I just can't figure out why I'm a fanatic at ~350 posts and your an ambassador at over 800...
hahah, never noticed that, I am special!!!