DSLR Photography Forum

Full Version: New with D3100
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Hi just found this site not long had my 3100 and still trying to work it all out so any advice on my learning curve welcome Peter
Welcome, Peter. Let’s see some images.

Nice to meet you! You are welcome here on site -please make yourself right at home here!
Hello and Welcome to suttertalk Peterwb Smile

First advice Read the manual that goes with it. That is the biggest mistake I did before having my first DsLR. Big Grin Thought It was something the same like the other camera model it was made. Never thought it would make my life easier Smile If you did read it, you're right on track. Also best way to keep it going is to post some of your images here and received constructive comments. I bet a lot of members here have lot to share and experience the same as yours.

See you around Smile